Nationwide Biweekly Administration is Scam or True Company?

Nationwide Biweekly Administration is Scam or True Company?.Once we do a brief search about Nationwide Biweekly Administration, we will find some surprising information soon. There are lots of pros and cons addressed to this Nationwide Biweekly Administration Company. Both positive and negative points are uttered by the customers and they seem to be convincing. In fact, the plus and minus reviews drive people to a curiosity, People cannot decide whether or not Nationwide Biweekly Administration is a scam. Here, you will not find any judgment. There will be a neutral review of the mentioned company. Hence, it is your decision to decide the legality of this company.

Nationwide Biweekly Administration

Nationwide Biweekly Administration is a large mortgage administrator focusing on biweekly program. It spreads widely through nationwide and is a popular administrator company. This company is pretty recognizable as it processes more than billion dollars of its customers. They have a beneficial program namely Interest Minimizes Program. Through this program, Nationwide Biweekly Administration is able to process billion dollars of mortgage payment of their thousands customers. The security of customers’ money is guaranteed as Nationwide Biweekly Administration processes the money through Federal ACH Banking System and their banking partner. By this way, the customers should not worry about their money.

Nationwide Biweekly Administration scam or true

Considering the beneficial program offered by Nationwide Biweekly Administration, some of you might wonder why still people are asking the legality of this company, and many of them asking is Nationwide Biweekly Administration Scam or legit?. This may answer your questions. The problem lies in the marketing program. Some of you may receive a letter from Nationwide Biweekly Administration containing the name of the lender and stated that the company will save your money of your mortgage. At this phase, they offer their Interest Minimizes Program. Some people judge that this is a way to trick them by putting the name of the lender. This is the first reason of customers’ judgment.

Nationwide Biweekly Administration complaints

The second reason why some people question the legality of Nationwide Biweekly Administration is about the phenomena of administration fraud. It is not surprising to hear some companies did fraud to their customers. It leads the customers to be careful buyers. They come to be picky in trusting their money to certain company. Hence, when they see something does not going right, they will easily judge that the company is not legitimate. It happens to the Nationwide Biweekly Administration. It is rather hard to convince the customers that the company is trustworthy and is reliable to give good administration services.

In conclusion, Nationwide Biweekly Administration is a company to give you mortgage payment service. The problem of customers’ curiosity of its legality lies in the way the company market their product. Some people think that it is kind of a cheap trick to put the name of the lender in a letter they sent to the customers. The company tries to show that they have administered the program to the lender, but it seems strange to the customers.

Please check the link here, here, and Here to read all of complaints submitted to this company, then you could share your opinion here whether Nationwide Biweekly Administration is scam or true company.

Well, what do you think about Nationwide Biweekly Administration? Is Nationwide Biweekly Administration scam or not?.  Make your own judgment and let people know what you are thinking of.

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Nationwide Biweekly Administration is Scam or True Company? | Goony Nauf | 5


  1. A couple of key points:
    1. Can you can trust a company (not a bank with FDIC coverage) with your money for mortgage payment - if its fails to make the payments on your behalf, YOUR credit history is negatively impacted
    2. There is no additional service being rendered by the company. The reduction in repayment period is due to an additional monthly payment being done (26 bi-weekly means 13 monthly payments)....we ourselves can pay 10% more than the monthly installment amount and specify to the mortgage company that the excess should be treated as principal. and BINGO, you've got one extra month (and a bit more) paid to the mortgage company.

  2. scam... Good luck quiting the program as well. I know first hand that this is a terrible scam!

  3. The word scam is when you are legitimately ripped off for a invalid service. So as Americans are lazy and may act as if they will make extra payments most do not. The biweekly service does work and help you establish more equity in your home and reduce the amount of interest you pay. This service is very helpful and works. For those that have never done biweekly inquire and see if the service that biweekly programs offer fits your needs

    1. I agree. This program does work and they did shave a lot of money off my principal. Get you some of this.

  4. Sounds like Mr. "Monday, September 08, 2014 7:47:00 PM" and Jay Chambers are directors of NBA.

  5. This is more of a scam, as using their service does nothing to shave $ off of your principal, as you can set-up direct payments with your mortgage company directly. They are actually withdrawing the $ from your account bi-weekly, but are not sending the $ to the loan holder by weekly, but at the time it's due! So they are actually making interest off your $$$....
